

Play on Geoguessr
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011
Map from mapsicon by djaiss

Under construction 🛠

Information isn't complete yet

Coverage covered
TLD .me
Driving side️ Right right/
Country code ME
Currency Euro (€)
Special characters Ćć Đđ Śś Šš Źź Žž Бб Гг Дд Ђђ Зз З́з́ Ии Љљ Њњ Ћћ Фф Цц Чч Џџ Шш
Major languages Montenegrin, Serbian
Scripts/Alphabets Latin, Cyrillic (Кириллица)
Camera gen(s) 3rd (what?)
Camera car(s) white (what?)

General tips

Montenegro has big sky rifts like Senegal and Albania, everywhere in the country except in the deep south. Distinguishing it from Albania can sometimes be tricky since Albania shares the rifts, but Montenegro is more mountainous and has distinctive brown road signs.


Regular EU-style plates with a blue strip.



Rifts are extremely common throughout the country, except for the peninsula by Bar.