

Play on Geoguessr
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 Montreal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver Edmonton Calgary
Map from mapsicon by djaiss

Under construction 🛠

Information isn't complete yet

Coverage covered
TLD .ca
Driving side️ Right right/
Country code CA
Currency Dollar ($)
Special characters No special characters
Major languages English, French
Scripts/Alphabets Latin
Camera gen(s) 2nd 3rd 4th (what?)
Camera car(s) white (what?)

General tips

Canada is often hard to distinguish from the United States, but there are a few handy tricks to keep in mind: Canadian speed limit signs say 'MAXIMUM' instead of 'SPEED LIMIT', street sign poles are more likely to be wooden in Canada than in the US, and Canada uses the metric system, whereas the US uses the Imperial system. If you think you're in Canada, remember that almost all coverage is somewhere in the south, relative close to the US border. Canada has both English and French as national languages, however English is the most common throughout most provinces, with a few exceptions. Quebec speaks French over English, and most Eastern provinces typically have bilingual English and French signs.


Regular Americas-style narrow plates with white backgrounds. Some states have unique blurs - Manitoba plates appear to have green stripes on either side. Several states don't require front license plates, namely Quebec, Alberta, and Saskatchewan

Road markings

Canadian roads are similar to most of the roads in North America, with double yellow inside lines and solid white outer lines. However, Canada also sometimes uses center white lines, which can be used to distinguish it from the United States,

Road signs

Street signs tend to be blue more often than green (whereas green is more common in the USA).




Canada is a biodiverse country. To the West, mainly in British Columbia, lies swaths of large mountains and pine trees. Some more central provinces, such as Alberta, Sasketchawan, and Manitoba, are mostly flat plains and rural grasslands. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island have more red soil, and Ontario is mainly forested.

Car metas

Canada typically has an antenna on its coverage, which can be used to distinguish it from the neighboring United States.

Area codes


Generally the very Northern parts of Canada are filmed with generation 2 coverage and are flat, with more sparse trees and more common shrubs. Ontario and British Columbia are also distinguishable by their unique signage; Ontario explicitly include a km/h label on the bottom of its speed limit signs, with white text and a black background, meanwhile British Columbia does the same with black text.

