

Play on Geoguessr
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011
Map from mapsicon by djaiss

Under construction 🛠

Information isn't complete yet

Coverage partial - Coverage is limited to Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, and the roads connecting them
TLD .ng
Driving side️ Right right/
Country code NG
Currency Naira (₦)
Special characters No special characters
Major languages English
Scripts/Alphabets Latin
Camera gen(s) 3rd (what?)
Camera car(s) bars (what?)

General tips

Nigeria only has coverage in Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, and on a few large roads between them. The Nigerian camera car has visible bars with a black and yellow stripe pattern on them, and a 'follow car' - an SUV which tails the Google car.


White plates with black or blue text, and a kind of green hue when blurred. Slightly narrower and taller than EU-style plates.

Car metas
